« Quand on ne peut pas changer le monde, changeons au moins de décor », Daniel Pennac, écrivain
J’aime les défis artistiques et être force de proposition pour tout projet de décoration intérieure ou extérieure, sculptures, mobilier , cadeaux d’entreprise, trophées, etc. J’imagine des propositions sur-mesure pour des clients particuliers et professionnels avec des matières élégantes et haut-de-gamme qui répondent à leurs projets.
« Quand on ne peut pas changer le monde, changeons au moins de décor », Daniel Pennac, écrivain
J’aime les défis artistiques et être force de proposition pour tout projet de décoration intérieure ou extérieure, sculptures, mobilier , cadeaux d’entreprise, trophées, etc. J’imagine des propositions sur-mesure pour des clients particuliers et professionnels avec des matières élégantes et haut-de-gamme qui répondent à leurs projets.
Têtes de lit, paravents, panneaux muraux, etc.
Je travaille en collaboration avec chaque client pour construire son projet de décoration d’intérieur sur-mesure, en fonction des envies et des contraintes techniques. Paravents, têtes de lit, panneaux muraux, habillage de mobilier, etc. les projets sont multiples, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.
De la conception à la production, les pièces en coquilles d’œufs sont entièrement réalisées à la main dans mon atelier avec une finition naturelle ou peinte. Les projets peuvent associer de la pâte de verre or ou de couleur ou de la feuille d’or.
Envolée – commande privée, Belgique 2023
The Envolée project is a private commission, made to measure for a 150 m² living room with lots of natural light. The clients wanted to make a lasting impression on visitors by decorating their walls with an atypical, delicate and precious artwork.
Envolée consists of 3 panels, each measuring 2.50 m x 0.60 m, and 3 wall sculptures designed in collaboration with the interior architect and the clients. The gold of the panels and the wall sculptures symbolise leaves that fly in a movement from the entrance to the bay windows.
Photo and video credits : Marion Saupin
Artwork in companies - MAP Space Coating
The Ciel Etoilé project was commissioned by MAP Space Coating company for its new headquarters in reference to its activity in the space industry.
A wall panel of 5 m x 1.50 m was created and installed in the reception hall. In the patio a sculptural installation made of 14 columns of 2m height simulates a sky at night where the stars sparkle according to the movement of light.
Photo credits: Sophie Chaulaic, Jérôme Clochard, Marc Le Dizet
Têtes de lit, paravents, panneaux muraux, etc.
Je travaille en collaboration avec chaque client pour construire son projet de décoration d’intérieur sur-mesure, en fonction des envies et des contraintes techniques. Paravents, têtes de lit, panneaux muraux, habillage de mobilier, etc. les projets sont multiples, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.
De la conception à la production, les pièces en coquilles d’œufs sont entièrement réalisées à la main dans mon atelier avec une finition naturelle ou peinte. Les projets peuvent associer de la pâte de verre or ou de couleur ou de la feuille d’or.
Envolée - bespoke creation, Belgium 2023
The Envolée project is a private commission, made to measure for a 150 m² living room with lots of natural light. The clients wanted to make a lasting impression on visitors by decorating their walls with an atypical, delicate and precious artwork.
Envolée consists of 3 panels, each measuring 2.50 m x 0.60 m, and 3 wall sculptures designed in collaboration with the interior architect and the clients. The gold of the panels and the wall sculptures symbolise leaves that fly in a movement from the entrance to the bay windows.
Photo and video credits : Marion Saupin
Artwork in companies - MAP Space Coating
The Ciel Etoilé project was commissioned by MAP Space Coating company for its new headquarters in reference to its activity in the space industry.
A wall panel of 5 m x 1.50 m was created and installed in the reception hall. In the patio a sculptural installation made of 14 columns of 2m height simulates a sky at night where the stars sparkle according to the movement of light.
Photo credits: Sophie Chaulaic, Jérôme Clochard, Marc Le Dizet
Bourgogne mausoleum in Champagne (Marne)
A superb Byzantine Revival treasure
In the 19th century, Marie-Théodorine Faynot, devastated by the death of her husband Judge Faynot, commissioned a mausoleum in his honor. A monument worthy of a king, it was inspired by Byzantine art and more specifically the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, Italy. Decorated in precious marble and mosaics, the mausoleum, which measures 18 meters tall and covers an area of 300 square meters, was left abandoned in 1914. The magnificent building gradually fell into disrepair until a local charity (the Bourgogne Mausoleum Rescue Association) was established in 2011 to restore and preserve the monument.
The restoration of the mosaics has been ongoing since 2015 (project managed by Jérôme Clochard of the Absolut Mosaïque studio) and I have lent an extra pair of hands since 2016.
The Bourgogne Mausoleum Rescue Association is in need of funding. All the restoration work is being financed by donations and cultural patronage (with tax relief). You can support this heritage project by making a donation online: here.
Photo credits: Absolut Mosaïque.
Bourgogne mausoleum in Champagne (Marne)
Le savoir-faire en mosaïque traditionnelle que j’ai acquis me permet d’aborder la restauration de mosaïques anciennes en collaboration avec d’autres ateliers. Depuis 2016 avec l’atelier Absolut Mosaïque, j’interviens sur la restauration des mosaïques du 19ème et début du 20ème siècle du Mausolée de Bourgogne en Champagne. Elles font partie d’un patrimoine exceptionnel, de l’histoire du bâtiment qui les accueille et qu’il est important de préserver.
Le mausolée, un trésor néo byzantin
In the 19th century, Marie-Théodorine Faynot, devastated by the death of her husband Judge Faynot, commissioned a mausoleum in his honor. A monument worthy of a king, it was inspired by Byzantine art and more specifically the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, Italy. Decorated in precious marble and mosaics, the mausoleum, which measures 18 meters tall and covers an area of 300 square meters, was left abandoned in 1914. The magnificent building gradually fell into disrepair until a local charity (the Bourgogne Mausoleum Rescue Association) was established in 2011 to restore and preserve the monument.
The Bourgogne Mausoleum Rescue Association is in need of funding. All the restoration work is being financed by donations and cultural patronage (with tax relief). You can support this heritage project by making a donation online: here.
Photo credits: Absolut Mosaïque.